Happy snow day #2! It was so much fun to enjoy two snowy days in a row. My kiddos had so much fun playing outside. Days like these make me so happy that they have such great snow gear: )
I smiled to myself this morning as I opened up the dishwasher and saw this sweet sight. The entire top shelf was filled with mugs from yesterday's hot chocolates. My sister in law and her four girls came over and spent the day with us. It involved much bundling in snow bibs, cleaning melted snow off of the floor, and sipping cocoa. And repeat, several times. Days like that I will remember forever.
(pretty sure I am the only freak out there that can come up with a story based solely on a picture of a dishwasher rack but whatevs :)
Today I finally got around to trying out a homemade air freshener that I pinned on Pinterest. I was dying to try it but I kept forgetting to buy lemons at the grocery store. I braved the inches of snow in my husband's slippers (sorry they are all wet tonight love!) and grabbed myself some rosemary from the back yard, added a sliced lemon, two teaspoons of vanilla and simmered it on the stove all day. I had really high hopes for this concoction but I am sad to report that it let me down. The kitchen smelled a bit like rosemary but other than that I couldn't smell anything. (My little boy just told his daddy that mommy cooked melons today and made the house smell like raw eggs. Need I say more?)

One good thing came from all of the trees that were knocked down by the snow. Awesome for me, not so awesome for the poor people who lost their beautiful pink trees. As soon as I saw them all laying in the road last night I knew I had to make some of them mine. A special someone brought a truckload home today for me. Wasn't that so sweet?
I have been seeing these big glass jars everywhere in the past weeks and I am so excited that I actually own one! This one belonged to my husband's grandpa and it has always been a change receptacle but I am changing that for now. Not sure if Tim is super excited about that but he can have it back as soon as I am sick of it ;)
I love how the branches fill up that corner and the fact that they are pink is just icing on the cake.
Here is a close up of the top of the jar. It is that gorgeous aqua blue that I love so much.
So that pretty much sums up my snow days. I did leave out however, doing loads of puked, peed, and pooped laundry. I thought I would spare you...it has been a regular bodily function factory over here this week : )
Tomorrow I am officially moving out of my space at the antique mall. I am feeling a little bit sad about it. It has been a fun little side project but I am not sure I can keep up with such a big space while I am in school. (Which by the way starts in a week and a half.) I have started biting my fingernails again. Apparently I am nervous about it. I will try to post whenever I do anything exciting or fun around the house if I can though. Have a great weekend...thanks for reading!