For some strange reason I thought that I finished this post earlier but nope! So here I am finally getting it done. I have made two major accomplishments this week. One being removing this eye sore of a light fixture.
I cannot believe that it has taken me so long to change it, but there have been so many other projects that have needed to be done. I wanted something pretty, but not one of those home improvement store fixtures, and I wanted to be super thrifty. I found this little chandelier in my mom's black hole garage. Boy I'll tell you, that garage has never failed me! I thought I would make a cover for the chain. I bought drop cloth at the depot and oh yes I HOT GLUED it!!! I love it when I don't have to sew!
Please excuse the disastrous counter!
Here it is all hung pretty like. Did I mention that I figured this out by myself??? My sis in law came over and helped me do it and we were beyond impressed with ourselves. This is us giving ourselves a ginormous pat on the back! It was unbelievably easy, despite the horrid feeling that I was going to blow my house up when I turned the power back on. (ps my house did not burn to the ground so by my standards, it was a success)
Here is a shot of the cover I diy-ed. I even sprang for one of those medallion ceiling covers. It was only $7 and made a big difference in making it look nice and finished. I even like that I decided not to paint it black.
I also busted out the tools and fashioned myself a new dining room table out of a mismatched table top and base (pictures to come). The daffodils my father in law picked for me the other day. Aren't they beautiful?
So here is where the heart wreath and O come in. I got inspired and did a mini dining room revamp in honor of the new chandy.
This is my favorite basket. I found it at my favorite spot, momma's garage!
I brought this lamp out of my bedroom since I love having a lamp on at night, and I never used it in my room anyway.
If this cage isn't reason enough to come to our Junk Swaps, then I don't know what is. I LOVE it so much. Sorry to the one who let it go!
Coming up, pillow covers made out of my drop cloth scraps with ribbon ties, and a garage transformation! Thanks for reading, have a lovely inspiration filled day!
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