I thought I would share my progress on the gargantuan list that I made a couple weeks back. I am sure it is keeping you up at night wondering what I have been getting done around my house. The blue items are things that have been completed, and the green are things that I decided not to do.
I really love my rooster pot rack, but it is not going to work above my island because of the light fixture placement. The rack and light would practically be on top of each other, not exactly the look I am going for. I think I am going to have to part with it, sadly, so it will be making the long trip down to my booth this week.
Also, my mother talked me out of replacing the blinds that I have on my french doors. I think I will just leave them for now, due to time constraints, but will definitely be keeping my eyes out for another option. And as for painting my chalkboard wall, I am going to let it soak up its fresh gray coat of paint for a while. It sure is fabulous not to look at white spackled seams any longer. I feel like I almost have a legit house. I cannot wait to start in on the kitchen remodel!
(Here is my inspiration picture for the chalkboard wall. I have an identical wall between my LR and DR)

- Paint front door white
Texture and paint patches in LRPutty holes in living room wallsPaint LR greyFinish trim in dining room and hallway (I will put Tim on this one)Hem LR curtainsBring home new desk from shop (yay!)New window treatment on french doors (low on priority list)Hang pot rack above islandMake curtains for kitchen windowPaint chalkboard wall- Curtains on my bedroom closets
Make bedroom curtainsOrganize craft closet- Paint Marsdon's room
- Paint twin bed
- Swap out dresser?
- Buy twin sheets to match quilt
- Finish painting interior doors white & replace door knobs
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