::Making simple things beautiful::

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Window shopping lovelies

Happy Day to you!  I finally did it... I braved looking like an absolute freak walking around the Antique Mall with my camera.  There were some elderly folk giving me some strange glances but other than that, all was well.

I am starting off with two pieces that I ALWAYS look at when I am walking around the mall.  I adore this little farmhouse cabinet, and it is priced just right, a little over $100 I believe. The table it is sitting on is great too, and might have to come home with me someday.  It is on sale for $95.  I cannot believe that it hasn't sold yet!  These can both be found in the French Hen booth FYI.

I just had to snap a pic of this sweet little "brittany" chair as I like to call them.  I have managed to single handedly corner the market on them, or hoard them, if you will.  But at $85 for the pair, this is one set that will not be coming home with me sadly.

Is anything farmhouse chic not in right now or what?  I absolutely love this antique egg crate.

And I simply couldn't leave out this antique chicken cage.  I think it was around $100 but don't quote me on that. It would be adorb standing just like that out on a front porch used as a side table next to a rocking chair.  Who wouldn't love to rest their morning cup of coffee on that pretty?

Pardon the horrid lighting in the pictures but I was working with absolutely no natural light.  Still, these buckets are looking fabulous.  I have a thing for galvanized pails. These range in price from around $12-in the thirties.

I thought this hutch was so pretty.  It is a bit too refined for my taste, but it would be so beautiful in a dining room stacked with ironstone dishes.

I am in complete shock that this amazing potting bench is not sold yet.  It is only-you might want to sit down for this-$85!!!  It is hand made out of reclaimed wood and has this cute little sink in it.  It is pretty massive, but would be so functional for uses other than a potting bench. To the lovely woman who this booth belongs to, your stuff is gorgeous, and I hope we meet someday!

Great little chalkboard!

I have been drooling over this sign for months!

This shabby little chandelier is made from rusty old fencing.  I just love it!

This cabinet/wreath/table/cart are from the same booth as the little chandy above.  This is one lady after my own heart with her black and white, wreaths and vintage cart.  I.LOVE.IT.ALL.  The little cart is $40 I think and is adorable!  It would make a great quirky little clothes hamper.

Oh my gosh you guys...dig no more for frames at thrift stores!  This booth has a gigantic trunk full of wonderful old chunky frames that are totally affordable and would be perfect for chalkboards, cork boards or who knows, maybe even the occasional picture.  They range in price from $8 to in the forties.

I couldn't be stopped.  I am a sucker for wire baskets.

If anyone is shopping around for a little outdoor table, look no more.  This set is only $89!  It is so cute and would be the perfect size for a front porch.

And I saved the best for last.  There is a pair of chippy blue adirondack chairs for $59 each.  They are great!

That was quite a lengthy ramble!  Sorry if I seemed like a sales person there but I really just love all of the treasures that can be found antiquing and thrifting.  Have a great weekend!  Stay tuned for the giveaway next week.

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