I thought it would be fun to share pictures of how my living room switch ended up. Well you know me, does any room ever really "end up" any way? Not really, but here it is anyway.
I strongly dislike the color of my couches. They are just too yellow for me. I really go more for cool colors (besides pink), and the yellow just throws me off. I threw one of my vintage bed spreads on it. It turns out that it was just the right size and I decided I liked it. It works out really well too, I can just toss it in the washer and bleach it (because it gets covered in Cheetos and chocolate). Bleach makes me a happy camper.
Here is the wall where I moved the TV to. I am so glad to have it moved over to this side of the room. It has been over a week and I am finally getting used to it. I still haven't moved my french chic sign over to the other wall yet. I am really slacking on finishing this room up!
Here is the corner where the TV was before. I moved my little desk over to that spot from the dining room.
Since I took these pictures, we inherited a black 1940's leather chair. My husband loves it, and it actually doesn't look too horrific so it gets to stay. I will share pictures of that another day. Enjoy your weekend!
love it! love you too! hugs!